Company Profile


Company Name :  Act Pro Co., Ltd.

Founded  :  May 2002

Incorporated:  January 2010

Capital : 30 million yen

Founder & CEO: Manabu Shintani

Number of Employees: 340 Employee (as of June 30, 2023, including part-time workers)

Legal Advisor: Iwatani Muramoto & Yamaguchi Law Office Yosuke Yamaguchi Lawyer Corporation Regalo Katsuhito Yokosumu

Business activities: “SMART EXCHANGE” Automated currency exchange, Commercial Property Consulting Services, Agency Marketing, Cost Optimization Consulting Services, Outsourced Call center.

Third Party Certification: 

  • JIPDEC Privacy Mark 17002477 (05)
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013 / JIS Q 27001:2014 Registration Number: IA 150928

Office Locations

Headquarters office Tokyo

Address: Yakult Headquarters Building 9F, 1-1-19 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0021 Japan

Tel:+81-3-3569-0277 (English)

Osaka branch office

Address:Nankai Namba Midosuji West 3F, 2-3-7 Namba, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka 542-0076

Thailand Subsidary Office

Address: Wannasorn Building 12A fl. Phaya Thai Rd., Thanon Phaya Thai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, 10400, THAILAND
